Climate-Resilient Agriculture: approaches, strategies and first-hand insights


November 2024


Rates of malnutrition and hunger are rising due to current events such as conflicts and insecurity, economic shocks, and natural hazards. Climate change poses a serious risk to food and nutrition security, exacerbating the conditions of populations already vulnerable to food insecurity, due to social and economic inequalities. Agriculture approaches and strategies to adapt to climate change, such as climate-resilient agriculture, can contribute to solutions to ensure resilience and food security.

The course provides insights into climate change adaptation (CCA) in agricultural sector and discusses various approaches and strategies applicable for areas vulnerable to food security / nutrition insecure areas. During the course, case studies as well as existing projects will be used to reflect on practical solutions and experiences from the field.

The course requires basic knowledge on climate change adaptation (it is possible to attend first our introductory course: Introduction to Main Concepts and Terminologies in Climate Change Adaptation, but it is not obligatory). If you are interested in gaining credit towards a Certificate of Advanced Studies in "Anticipatory Humanitarian Action", you need to complete the introductory course and two additional specific CCA courses (to be announced on aha Website), under prerequisite of passing the exam in form of individual work after completion of all courses (please also see the general exam regulation of aha).

You will learn

Relevance and recent developments of CCA in agricultural sectors

Climate resilient agriculture approaches and strategies, their potentials and challenges

Reflection on practical solutions to implement climate resilient agricultural strategies in vulnerable settings

Target group

Young and senior professionals in humanitarian action and other practitioners in relevant fields, who already have basic knowledge of climate change adaptation and are interested in deepening their specific knowledge in the agricultural sector.


8:30 - 12:30

Day 1 (4 hours including short breaks)

  • Brief introduction of CCA in agriculture, why is it needed?
  • Key steps and considerations of CCA in agriculture
  • Existing climate resilient agriculture approaches and strategies
  • Good practices, potential and challenges

Flavia Mara


Flavia Marà / World Vision Germany e.V.

Flavia Marà is a Livelihoods Technical Advisor at World Vision Germany e.V.  Her work focuses on sustainable agricultural development (agroecology, climate-smart agriculture), community-based restoration approaches like Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR), local agricultural value chains, climate change adaptation and mitigation. Previously, she has worked at the Centre for Rural Development (SLE), GIZ and Welthungerhilfe.


* To cover the fees you can upload an educational voucher of the state of NRW during the registration

28.11.2024 - 29.11.2024

8 hours of training

Online Event

ProviderThis training is supported by Aktion Deutschland Hilft e.V.